J'ai Rêvé Foundation – A Non-Governmental Organisation
31 December 2020 at 17 h 21 min Birao

J’ai le droit d’aller à l’école

The city of Birao was confronted at the beginning of September 2019, with clashes between the FPRC armed groups and the MLCJ respectively of Ethnia Rounga and Kara. These clashes between the antagonists have seriously affected the living conditions of the population and caused the displacement of an important number of the population to MINUSCA sites and to the aerodrome of Birao.

The absence of educational authorities in the area has gradually led the Prefecture of Vakaga towards a probable blank year, according to the parent’s words. In the in order to respond to these identified gaps, Unicef ​​decided to enter into a partnership with the NGO Jai Rêvé Foundation through the project entitled “Improving access to education for children affected by the crisis and in the return area with a specific attention to girls in the Vakaga Prefectures (BiraoTiroumgoulou Ouandjia) and ensuring continuous education and learning in a safe and protective environment ”to facilitate reopening of the Prefectural School; So that 2,863 school-age children affected by the Birao crisis (displaced communities) in Tiringoulou, Ouanda axis Djalle, and Nda access primary education opportunities, to continue their schooling and receive quality psychosocial support; Provide school kits and school materials in Birao, Tiringoulou, Ouandjia Djalle, Sikikede; Install STEPS on the Aerodrome site; Support educational training and psychosocial work of teachers in the targeted areas.


A 4-day training course from 12 to 15 Mars was done in the attention of teachers involved in STEPS from the aerodrome site.With the technical support of the ministry of education.


Two tents (STEPS) are set up in the areas where the need arises. One at the aerodrome site and another at the prefectural school in order to split the classes of CM1 and CM2.


After a great time of raising awareness, school kits have been distributed for the benefit of the students of the Prefectural School of Birao, Djoubkia, Guerendomo and the IDP site.


The manufacturing
of school benches for the
IDP childrens of Birao.